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Traducciones solicitadas - ANNasty

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Resultados 1 - 18 de aproximadamente 18
Idioma de origen
Inglés “even many of those who make, in ...
“even many of those who make, in general terms, the
strongest revisionist case for attending to a much wider
range of hitherto neglected types of writing still tend to
obey the professional imperatives which dictate that
influential careers are most readily furthered by concen-
trating on those writers to whom the highest proportion of
their fellow-professionals will already have some reason,
pedagogic or practice, to pay attention”
Можно дать примерный смысл, особенно последней части предложения

Traducciones completadas
Ruso Это об издателях или что-то в этом роде?
Idioma de origen
Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado"
Inglés Unfortunately, the format has gone ...
Unfortunately, the format has gone well beyond stale and is well on its way to becoming petrified. It would be far easier to accept, though, were we not painfully aware that the series is largely killing time until the arrival of a crossover (“Second Coming”) that, by all accounts, it won’t actually be participating in. At least, not in a direct way. The question of what Cable and Hope have been doing since their departure from the present in “Messiah Complex” has never felt more like it could be served, just as entertainingly and far more succinctly, by a few panels of flashback.
Это рецензия на комикс, интересует второе и последнее предложение. Остальное просто контекст.

Traducciones completadas
Ruso Комикс
Idioma de origen
Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado"
Inglés And until we actually do get to read “Second...
And until we actually do get to read “Second Coming,” it’s going to be a bit difficult to know whether it’s truly done any more than that.
Интересует только фраза it’s truly done any more than that в последнем предложении

Traducciones completadas
Ruso Перевод
Idioma de origen
Inglés The main rotor blades have been brought up to...
The main rotor blades have been brought up to speed, note which blade is running low and which is running high. After confirming, power down the helicopter in order to make adjustments to the linkages.
Это отрывок из инструкции к радиоуправляемому вертолету. Отрывок про ругелировку лопастей вертолета.

Traducciones completadas
Ruso Вертолет
Idioma de origen
Inglés Coffemachine
Color coded satellite faucets available for
regular or decaffeinated coffee, tea.

Traducciones completadas
Ruso кофейный аппарат (кофеварка)
Idioma de origen
Inglés the proviso of the right of the parties
They are the only provisions in which the proviso of the right of the parties to agree otherwise is not included.

Traducciones completadas
Ruso Условия о правах сторон
Idioma de origen
Inglés the FRY entities
the FRY entities and entities which held the NFA loan on behalf of these, should be excluded from the benefit of any agreement reached.
FRY - Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Traducciones completadas
Ruso Субъекты Федеративной Республики Югославия
Idioma de origen
Inglés C Greater Emphasis on Continuity of Rights and...
C Greater Emphasis on Continuity of Rights and Obligations
Debt negotiations and the decisions of the EBRD, the IMF and the World Bank affirm the principle of continuity of rights and obligations. The expansion of communications, globalization and greater interdependence between states means that it is increasingly in the interest of states to maintain the stability of their legal rights and obligations. This is best served by adopting the universal succession approach. Furthermore, the increased importance of international capital markets as a source of state finance has meant that, in order to establish their creditworthiness and obtain access to the financial markets, newly established states are more willing to enter into debt allocation arrangements. Therefore, greater emphasis will be given to the continuity of rights and obligations in future cases of state succession than in the past.

Traducciones completadas
Ruso Больший акцент на преемственность прав и обязанностей